Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Corwin Pavilion

11 am to 2 pm

Poster Colloqium Program

By division and first author surname

VEX Robotics Lift Mechanism

Jack Carpino, Kauri Mai, Erik Rodriguez, Han Xiao-Li

Poster Location: 20E


Design and Experimentation of a Curing Oven for Carbon Fiber Manufacturing

Daniel Cespedes, Jonathan Bigelow, Rachel Jiang, Yanis Yankauskas

Poster Location: 20F


Achieving “Pure” Magnetic Dipole Emission with Resonator Metasurfaces

Roark Chao

Poster Location: 20G


Energy Output and Efficiency Optimization Research for the Solar Table Project

Lily Chen

Poster Location: 20H


Liquid Cooling Test Bench for Formula-Style Racing Car

Paul Diarte, Jacob Reuser, Angel Mata, Benjamin Peller

Poster Location: 22C



Sacha Escudier, Lauren Crisostomo, Logan Campbell, Kyle Rhee, Sean Shitamoto

Poster Location: 20I


Electro-Reduced Tau Fragments Seed Tau Fibril Formation

Xagros Faraji

Poster Location: 20J


Development and Validation of Aerodynamic Solutions for Student Built Formula SAE Race Ca

Alexander Fu, Nicholas Yung, Curren Somers

Poster Location: 22D


Integrating Histology and Viscoelasticity for Enhanced Characterization of Myocardial Fibrosis

Niki Hakami

Poster Location: 21A


Design and Performance Optimization of a Student-Built Formula SAE Steering System

Camron Hosseini, Cesar Castillo, Christopher Lew, Jephtha Sidharta

Poster Location: 22E


Actin Shearing Reveals Transport Properties in Reconstituted Membrane Domains

Anika Jena

Poster Location: 21B


Battery Wire Bonding

Hope Karim-Whitt, Vineet Kupunaram, Alen Iqbal, Joel Hernandez

Poster Location: 22F


Comparative Analysis of Speed and EMI Resilience in Serial Communication Protocols

Michael Krumland-Dunning, Riley Tang, Alexander Le, Vamsi Vempati

Poster Location: 21C


Quarter Car model

Anirudh kumar, Diego Vasquez, Ben Co, Max Bellow

Poster Location: 22G


Gaucho Racing - Electric Drivetrain Rear Manifold

Colin Kwok

Poster Location: 22H


Energy-Efficient Bi-Modal Transforming Robot

Jianing Liu

Poster Location: 21D


Extracellular Matrix Viscoelasticity Regulates Branch Morphogenesis of Breast Epithelial Cells

Juliette Moore

Poster Location: 21E


Solar Table

William Morgali

Poster Location: 21F


Battery Management System Architecture Research

Ryan Nguyen, Yandong Liu, William Ni

Poster Location: 22I


Design and Manufacture of a Wiring Harness for a Formula SAE Electric Vehicle

Tien Nguyen, Jordan Prescott

Poster Location: 22J


Multi-modal Transformer Vehicle

Adam Quintero, Ryan Kaldi, Timothy Lam, Albert Ho, Jacob Li

Poster Location: 21G


VEX Robotics Intake Mechanism

Vishal Seenivasan, Hannah Cutler, Ayala Wang, Alex Reyes, William Tu

Poster Location: 21H


Reserach and Development of a Torsional Rigidity Evaluation Method

Shehan Seneviratne, Tim Schmuelling

Poster Location: 21I


Safety Enhancement Research for the Solar Table Project

Kailash Shah

Poster Location: 21J


Research of Materials Testing and Design for Ergonomics Package for a Formula SAE Vehicle

Yakov Shur, Ava Tran, Hannya Yan

Poster Location: 23CD


Brake Fluid Analysis for Formula Student Racing

Raaghav Thirumaligai, Jackson Kevan, Niketh Keshavan, Alexis Lin

Poster Location: 24CD


VEX Robotics Catapult Mechanism

William Tu, Reginald Wang-Lin, Andrew Round, Jose Marquez

Poster Location: 22A


Accumulator Container

Asher Whitten, Roxana Faridjoo, Jonathan Herrera

Poster Location: 24AB


Investigating the Functions of two Human Enzymes, hACCS and ACCSL

Yuki Xu

Poster Location: 22B



Two Proposals for Comparing Structure of First-Order Theories

Caroline Baldan

Poster Location: 1A


The Circus Monkey

Rachel Burnett, Oliver Richards, Nathan Krachman, Travers Tobis, Kadrik Blatt

Poster Location: 1B


Coal Oil Point: Ranching, Restoration, and their Effects

Daira Chavez

Poster Location: 1C


Language Insecurity and Imposter Syndrome: Taiwanese American Undergraduates’ Linguistic Identities

Lana Chen

Poster Location: 1D


The Effects of Contrastive Accenting on Recognition Memory in the Visual World Paradigm

Bethany Clements

Poster Location: 1E


“Learn How To Mend Your Lives:” Repentance And Restraint In Early Modern English Broadside Ballads,

Madison Dunkle

Poster Location: 1F


Exploring Ceramics

Moxie Evan

Poster Location: 1G


Triumphing Comprehensive Content Over Moral Messaging:Exhibiting the Holocaust at the Reagan Library

Stephanie Gerson

Poster Location: 1H


‘At this time’: The morpheme =gum in perfectivity and sequentiality marking in miluk

Miriam Halbany

Poster Location: 1I


Secular Sanctuaries: The Integration of Religious Diversity in Justice-Oriented Communities

Evelyn Isais

Poster Location: 1J


“Spiritually Unsexed”: Beliefs, Debates, and Narratives of the Publick Universal Friend

Hanna Kawamoto

Poster Location: 2A


Frontiers of Reciprocity: The Dynamics of Exchange, Diplomacy, and Power in the Dawnland

Nicole Knox

Poster Location: 2B


Multilingual Chinese American Heritage Language Learners: Motivations and Cultural Identification

Katie Lee

Poster Location: 2C


Choosing what to say: An investigation of name agreement

Monserrat Lupian

Poster Location: 2D



Alena Mauhs

Poster Location: 2E


Notes on experience, and research driven nonfiction

Ava Moreci

Poster Location: 3C


The Ever-Changing Dynamics of Control, Power, and Black Agency in Georgetown County, South Carolina

Harry Pardoe

Poster Location: 2F


Language Ideologies of South Asian English Varities in Social Media

Ameena Qureshi

Poster Location: 2G


American Psychopharmacology and its Discontents: Tracing the Historical Underpinnings of the 2004 Re

Nikita Srinivas

Poster Location: 2H


Was there a Historical Trojan War?

Isabella Walker

Poster Location: 2I


A Night of Black and Blue

Donavan Walker

Poster Location: 3B


Cross-linguistic Processing of Emotion and Abstraction from English to Chinese

Daniel Yeung, Jennie Wu, Josephine Kaminaga

Poster Location: 2J


Chinese Protein PR: Selling Soymilk to Build a Nation, 2010-Present

Roselind Zeng

Poster Location: 3A



The Effects of FDA-approved mTOR Inhibitor Everolimus on Incubated Sucrose Craving

Sonya Adler

Poster Location: 18D


Understanding How Trapezia Serenei Crabs Affect Coral Survival

Jada Alexander

Poster Location: 18E


Improvement of Biosensors: Optimization of Enzyme Activity within Conductive Polymer Films

Omar Alkhairi, Stephanie Wang, Connor Davis, Lior Sepunaru

Poster Location: 18F


The Effect of Pregnancy on Behavior Patterns in Mice

Nathanael Bailey

Poster Location: 18G


Analyzing the Influence of Ovarian Hormones on Visual Working Memory

Prisha Balaguru

Poster Location: 18H


Elucidating the Relationship Between ATP Concentration and Stress Granule Size

Emily Beckett

Poster Location: 18I


Hunger and Fasting Impacts on Baseline and Reactive Cortisol Levels

Joseph Belinfante, Lucia Freedberg, Janet Chen

Poster Location: 18J


Comparing carbon to nitrogen ratios in Salicornia pacifica across locations and elevations

Kinga Bihari

Poster Location: 19A


Thermal Tolerance in California Native Bees: Simulated heat wave to predict hyperthermic resistance

Nathalie Bonnet

Poster Location: 19B


How do scientific role models differ between age groups?

Eli Briones-Colman, Nathanael Bailey

Poster Location: 19C


Analyzing soil parameters to assess invertebrate distribution under cover boards in a restored habit

Calen Campos, Ryan Tang, Shelby Crawford

Poster Location: 19D


Resolving patterns in bacterioplankton communities across the SB Channel continental shelf

Brynn Campos

Poster Location: 19E


Edible Insect Initiative (EII)

Alex Carlin, John Nunnally

Poster Location: 19F


The eruptive and structural history of the Soledad Mountain volcanic complex, western Mojave Desert

Rosanna Chapman

Poster Location: 19G


Traveling bands of liquid droplets from stoichiometrically skewed binary condensation

Connor Chatfield

Poster Location: 19H


Risk Analysis of the Cryptocurrency Markets

Jiayue Chen

Poster Location: 19I


Selecting Genes for Transdifferentiation Using RNAi in JR3904 Strain of Caenorhabditis elegans

Carina Chen

Poster Location: 19J


Investigating the source of double-stranded RNA in the inclusion bodies during MeV infection

Sara Chin, Brandon Agagas, Nina Suzuki

Poster Location: 20A


Examining intraspecific differences in seed viability in native California wetland species.

Kyle Chua

Poster Location: 20B


Olfactory neurons responsible for chemotaxis in Drosophila melanogaster larva

Chiara Cimarusti

Poster Location: 20C


The Relationship Between Emotion Differentiation and Strategic Extrinsic Affect Regulation

Paige Coray, Hailey Wooten, Ariana Cortez, Breanna Elman, Burak Yazici, Beyzanur Arican Dinc (barican@ucsb.edu), Shelly Gable (sgable@ucsb.edu)

Poster Location: 20D


Applying geometric morphometrics to assess phenotypic variation in bees

Jorge De La Cruz

Poster Location: 8A


Cultural Uncertainty Avoidance, Stress Mindset, and Well-Being

Baris Delibasi

Poster Location: 8B


Outdoor Garden Study Space

Tanner Ellison, Emily Hernandez

Poster Location: 8C


Involvement of Multicolors Show Impact on Perceptual Asynchrony in Color-Motion Integration

Di (Elwin) Feng

Poster Location: 8D


Roles of Polarity Proteins on Centripetal Cell Migration in Drosophila Egg Chambers

Jane Feng, Jason Iler-Keniston

Poster Location: 8E


Watch Your Footprint!: The Game

Alison Flacks

Poster Location: 23IJ


Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks in Finance

Mark Flores, Yixuan Lyu

Poster Location: 8F


An Assay for Small Molecule-induced Disruption of Electrochemically-driven K18 Fibrils

Sabrina Fojut

Poster Location: 8G


Phytoremediation in Brackish Wetland

Odile Gabbiani

Poster Location: 8H


Setting the Beauty Standard: the Cultural Dimensions of Body Size Preferences

Audrey Gaceta

Poster Location: 8I


Neural Network Optimization for Enhanced Realized Variance Forecasting

Lawrence Gao

Poster Location: 8J


Temporal and genotypic variation in corolla size and fecundity within Nemophila menziesii

Cayenne Gularte

Poster Location: 9A


Exploring the role of the novel gene WDR5B

Daniel Haddad, Wenjie Wu, Ryan Hirokawa

Poster Location: 9B


Contextual Effects on Measuring Friendship

Jessica Harris

Poster Location: 9C


A comparison of infrasound array processing and signal detection procedures for Popocatépetl volcano

Karla Hernandez Leyva

Poster Location: 9D


Serial Dependence in Spatial Working Memory as a Function of Ovarian Hormone Levels

Crystal Holland

Poster Location: 9E


Understanding the Genetic Basis of Dwarfism in Aquilegia jonesii with RNA Sequencing

Jack Huang

Poster Location: 9F


Behavior of halogens (F, Cl, Br, and I) during medium- to high-grade metamorphism

Madison Huising

Poster Location: 9G


Quantifying Microplastic Abundance Across Three Coastal Marine Predators: Myliobatis californica (ba

Jenna Huynh

Poster Location: 9H


The Power of Affect Labeling: Implicit Emotion Regulation in Negative Autobiographical Memory Recall

Carolina Ivchenko

Poster Location: 9I


Physics Informed Neural Network for American Option Pricing

Yilin Jiang

Poster Location: 9J


Identifying Emotion Expressions in Faces and Social Goals

Daniel Jin

Poster Location: 10A


Cultural Values, Relationship Goals, and the Disclosure of Concealable Stigmatized Identities

Alexsia Johnson

Poster Location: 10B


Perceptions of Motivations For Minority and Majority Group Allyship

Asha Jotwani

Poster Location: 10C


Fast and Effective Xeno-Free Differentiation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium From Stem Cells

Amir Khan

Poster Location: 10D


Photocurrent Production in Grapes and Wine Mash

Ben Krey, Kimi Rubino

Poster Location: 10E


Salamander speciation in the Great Basin, geological drivers and undescribed species

Max Laubstein

Poster Location: 10F


How Self-Reported Distractibility Measures Relate to Sustained Attention Failures

Lauren Lee

Poster Location: 10G


Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta and its effect on alcohol-induced cognitive decline

Ted Lee

Poster Location: 10H


Effects of Instructor Voice & Course Material on Learning & Evaluation Project Plan

Luke Leiden

Poster Location: 10I


Regulation of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Derived Toxic Tau through LRP1 Receptor

Arielle Leong

Poster Location: 10J


Perception of Moral Standing to Blame

Tori LeVier

Poster Location: 11A


The relationship between progesterone contraceptive use and mood disorders

Katie Levitt

Poster Location: 23AB


Investigating Role of FAK in Stiffness-induced Mechanical Memory of Mammary Epithelium

Megan Li

Poster Location: 11B



Jessica Lickstein

Poster Location: 11C


Rainfall Prediction in Santa Barbara using LSTM Models

Pippa Lin

Poster Location: 11D


The Effects of Physical Activity on Social Behaviors and Experiences

Jennifer Liu

Poster Location: 11E


The Markowitz Enigma for Minimum Variance Portfolios

Jessica Liu, Jacob Biernat

Poster Location: 11F


Will pairing visual stimuli with audio stimuli enhance visual and auditory recognition memory?

Grace Liu

Poster Location: 11G


Defining the role of a TRP channel in invertebrate fatty acid taste

Ellen Lomazov

Poster Location: 11H


Phenomenology of Thought during Memory Encoding for Verbal and Visual Material

Brecken Marome

Poster Location: 11I


Origin of Scratch Marks on 751 to 729 mya Vase Shaped Microfossils from the Chuar Group, Arizona

Charles McBride

Poster Location: 11J


Investigating Surf as a Source of Seismic Noise in California

Marslina McCahey

Poster Location: 12A


A Deficit or Goal? Story Aside Expression in Older and Younger Adults' Autobiographical Stories

Teagan McCune

Poster Location: 23EF


Isla Vista Fix-It Fair

Eva Mills, Molly McGee

Poster Location: 12B


Exploring the role of membrane anchoring by PEX26 in the function of AAA-ATPase PEX1/PEX6

Julia Miyamoto

Poster Location: 12C


Research Question: Does involvement in the SciTrek program improve undergraduate student’s science i

Haaris Mobin

Poster Location: 12D


Effective Syllabi Language: How Professors can Optimize Student Belonging and Success

Maya Montez

Poster Location: 12E


Norm Conformity: Background Religiosity Effects Children's Norm Expectations from Religious Groups

Amelia Moore

Poster Location: 12F


Sea Change

Erick Morales Oyola

Poster Location: 12G


Modeling Habitat Preferences of Endangered White Abalone

Perla Nava

Poster Location: 12H


“Children’s Judgements of Contextual Racial Presentation”

Mikah Nelson

Poster Location: 12I


Exploring the Capacity of Biofilms to Support Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Across Plant Parts and

Elena Neuburger

Poster Location: 12J


Influence of cancer matrix-bound nanovesicles on osteosarcoma progression

Xander Newell

Poster Location: 13A


Nucleation and Spatial Control of DNA Nanotubes via a Programmed Interaction between DNA Nanostar Co

Brandon Nguyen

Poster Location: 13B


To what extent does SciTrek influence quantitative changes in the general scientific knowledge of un

Emily Nguyen, Alana Deo

Poster Location: 13C


Characterizing the origin and function of the synaptic protein PSD95 in single-celled relatives

Riya Nilkant

Poster Location: 13D


Variable use of dissolved organic carbon compounds by marine bacterioplankton

Maxwell Pacatte

Poster Location: 13E


Localizing Proteins Associated with Measles Virus Inclusion Bodies through Biotin-Streptavidin

Adam Palecki, Kehan Liu, Nghi Nguyen

Poster Location: 13F


Efficacy of SciTrek Post-Module Assessments

Eesha Panchal, Letizia Timoni

Poster Location: 13G


Social Support-Seeking Behaviors Among Asian Americans

Tricia Pang

Poster Location: 13H


When the Green-Eyed Monster is More Persistent But Less Scary: Jealousy in Polyamorous Relationships

Eliza Pasha, Benjamin Gelbart

Poster Location: 13I


The Effect of Button Design on Website Navigation Efficiency

Tvisha Patel

Poster Location: 13J


Exploring Mosquito Taste for Innovative Disease Prevention Strategies

Alex Pei

Poster Location: 14A


Investigating antigen modulation in solid tumors by CAR Macrophages

Ruth Perez

Poster Location: 14B


B56 And Its Role In Anti-Viral Strategies

Duncan Plexico, Kyle Shimamoto, Paul Wang

Poster Location: 14C


The Microfiber Initiative

Lily Poehler

Poster Location: 14D


Modeling Harmful Algal Blooms on the California Coast

Isabella Puchkova

Poster Location: 23GH


Decoding Bordetella Adhesion: Identifying the FhaB Receptor via CRISPR-Cas9 Knockouts

Mia Raimondi

Poster Location: 14E


Characterizing RacE62K-mediated Hyper Phagocytosis for CAR-M Immunotherapy

Anshul Rao

Poster Location: 14F


The Efficacy of Scitrek Over Time

Lekha Reddy, Megan Li

Poster Location: 14G


The Memory, Money, Self (MeMoS) Study

Alex Reed, Courtney Durdle, Sara Leslie, Mahita Paladugu, Michael Miller

Poster Location: 14H


Feelings and the Mind-Body Connection: An Exploratory Study of the Inter-Organ Cross-Frequency Coupling in the Brain, Heart, and Gut Modulated by Affect and Self-Compassion

Jonathan Roberts

Poster Location: 14I


Occurrence of Organic UV Filters in Alpine Lakes of the Sierra Nevada

Matthew Rosen, Nico Symons Galassi

Poster Location: 14J


Probability and Sustained Attention

Isa Ruacho

Poster Location: 15A


Comparison Between Affect-Labeling and Expressive Writing as Emotion Regulation Techniques

Phoebe Rubin

Poster Location: 15B


Sustainable Transportation & Infrastructure

Aaron Ruiz

Poster Location: 15C


Host Specificity and Diversity of Pine-associated Fungal Endophytes of Japan

Isaiah Sailors

Poster Location: 15D


Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Into the UC Natural Reserve's Conservation Initiatives

Madie Salinas

Poster Location: 15E


A Potential Regulatory Role of Phosphorylation in Assembly of Viral Replication Factories

Daniel Samie, Ben Aronson, Elaine Zeng

Poster Location: 15F


UCSB Shoe Recycling Initiative

Matthew Schoen

Poster Location: 15G


Unveiling Tau Clearance in 13-Lined Ground Squirrel Neuronal Organoids

Olivia Sclafani

Poster Location: 15H


Aids to Textual Learning

Amisha Sharma

Poster Location: 24GH


The Effect of Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Salivary Cortisol Measurements

Elora Shaw, Tajin Syed

Poster Location: 15I


Dancing Against Degeneration: Exploring Visuospatial Mapping for Parkinson's Rehabilitation

Anniysh Sivakumar

Poster Location: 15J


The Effects of Systemic Everolimus on Incubated Methamphetamine Craving

Kierra Smith, Fernando Cano, Karen Szumlinski

Poster Location: 16A


Ascending Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae and their Connection with Olfaction

Jacob Strayer

Poster Location: 16B


Group Attention and Movement Experiment

Chloe Swoiskin

Poster Location: 16C


Role of AMPA and NMDA in the mPFC of Incubated Cocaine-Seeking Female Rats under Long Access SA

Mirette Tadros

Poster Location: 24IJ


Learn, Don't Burn!

Christopher Tai, Vivian Liang

Poster Location: 16D


A Preference to Look Closer to the Eyes is Associated with a Position-Invariant Face Neural Code

Jocelyn Tao

Poster Location: 16E


Securing Tomorrow's Water: A Deep Dive into Groundwater Management in the San Joaquin Valley

Lucero Torres Ojeda

Poster Location: 16F


Experiences of Black Families Seeking Autism Assessment: An Exploratory Analysis

Shannon Twomey, Keren Chavez

Poster Location: 16G


Discovery of Potential Small Molecule Therapeutics for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

Matthew Unger

Poster Location: 16H


Volunteering in science outreach program effects on undergraduate gender biases in STEM fields

Chiamaka Utom

Poster Location: 16I


Investigating the Impact of Relevant Distractors on the Attentional Blink: An ERP Study

Georgia Valdez

Poster Location: 16J


At What Cost: How value-driven attentional capture influences the temporal limits of attention

Anh-Thu Van

Poster Location: 17A


Mechanism of KHM-induced Inclusion Body Morphology Change

Ella Virden

Poster Location: 17B


2004 - 2005 Mount St. Helens Volcanic Seismicity: Event Detection and Picking Using the Machine Lear

Serina Wang

Poster Location: 17C


Menstrual Cycle and Hormone Predictors of Women's Sleep Duration

Sijia Wang

Poster Location: 17D


Structure and Stratigraphy of the Waterloo Silver Deposit, Calico Mountains, Mojave Desert, CA

Isabella Welch

Poster Location: 17E


Forecasting Stock Market Volatility with Random Forests

Benjamin Wolfe

Poster Location: 17F


Visual-based navigation in fruit flies

Zihang Xiao

Poster Location: 17G


Insights into Autothermal Iron-Catalyzed Methane Pyrolysis

Shiyang Xin

Poster Location: 17H


Switching to Fluorosulfates, a New Oxidative Addition Complex for Aminations of Late-Stage Aromatics

Jordan Yirak

Poster Location: 17I


Visual Camouflage in Bees: Assessing Ground Spiders' Perception of Agapostemon tenaxus

Tianruo You

Poster Location: 17J


Function Characterization of a pathogenic Antibiotic Biosynthesis Monooxygenase

Bryan Zeng

Poster Location: 18A


Flammability of Wildland Fuel Types and Its Relevance to Fire Spread and Ignition

April Zhang

Poster Location: 18B


Snacking on Cancer: Exploring how Cancer Cells Evade Death by Macrophage “Nibbling”

Kathleen Zhang

Poster Location: 18C



Exploring the Legal Consciousness of College Students in Drug or Alcohol Related Police Interactions

Lauren Bacon

Poster Location: 3D


Happiness and Intentions - A Study on Social Media Videos and Mental Health

Alhees Basharmal

Poster Location: 3E


Eroticizing Spirituality: Stripping Guadalupe

Alondra Bedoy

Poster Location: 3F


Imagining sex education informed by Ethnic Studies scholarship and pedagogy

Amelie Calderon

Poster Location: 3G


Jehovah's Witnesses: Does the organization's stance on higher education affect its members' education?

Sara Canas

Poster Location: 3H


Wildfire Awareness Among Undocumented Immigrants: Improving Disaster Readiness

Mayra Canseco

Poster Location: 3I


Immaterial Labor in K-Pop Online International Fan Communications

Lily Chen

Poster Location: 3J


Cultivating Resilience Throughout Life & Communication Between Deployed US Military Parents and Chi

Alexis Crisostomo

Poster Location: 4A


How religiosity shapes attitudes toward normalization with Israel in Morocco

Maddie Dewhirst

Poster Location: 4B


Keep students safe: Evaluating health interventions messaging

Tian Ding

Poster Location: 4C


An Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis of Recorded "Karen" Interactions

Kristina Dyrvik

Poster Location: 4D


Filipino Students in Stem

Jacob Faustino

Poster Location: 4E


Decoding the High: Exploring UCSB Students' Perceptions of Substance Use

Francesca Giannotta

Poster Location: 4F


Multiracial Transfer Students' Sense of Belonging at Transfer Institutions

Carrie Guzis

Poster Location: 4G


Bi+ Representation in "Heartstopper" and the Power of Queer Visibility

Annie Hargis

Poster Location: 4H


Reducing Wishcycling

Nicole Haun

Poster Location: 4I


Involuntary Celibate Online Forum: Violence, Weaponized Subordination, & In-Group Chauvinism

Shane Herup

Poster Location: 4J


What factors influence Chicanas’ experiences of eating disorders at UCSB?

Marisela Jimenez Huerta

Poster Location: 5A


Stress Response to Anthropogenic Disturbance in Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkeys (Piliocolobus kirkii)

Kira Johns, Isabel Saavedra, Allison Sobieri

Poster Location: 5B


Autism and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction: How Autistic Populations Define Enablers and Barriers

Jessica Khaw

Poster Location: 5C


Community Policing and Mental Health Response at UCSB

Lily Krongold

Poster Location: 5D


Empowering Latinx Daughters in Higher Education through Ethnic Studies: A Comparative Exploration of

Jacqueline Lopez

Poster Location: 5E


Mastering the Transition: Graduate School Training for Emerging Master's Level Clinicians

Areli Lopez, Natalie Alvarez, Nallely Leyva-Diaz

Poster Location: 5F


Understanding Asexuality: Navigating Social Environments at a Public University

Luna Moreno

Poster Location: 5G


Perspectives of Latine Families Regarding the Utility of a PCIT Paradigm

No Response

Poster Location: 5H


Role of Media Representations on Ethnic Identity Development and Self-Esteem

No Response

Poster Location: 5I


Implementing Ethnic Studies Pedagogy in High Schools and Student Response to Ethnic Studies Pedagogy

Stephanie Pantoja Pantoja

Poster Location: 5J


Surveying Multiethnic Undergraduate Students at UCSB About Ethnic Studies

Julia Park, Riqui Martinez

Poster Location: 6A


Exploring the Dynamics of Laughter and Coalition in Group Longevity: Mediating Effects on Cooperatio

Zhukang Qin

Poster Location: 6B


Bridging Cultures, Shaping Futures: The Effects of Chicanx Studies on First-Gen Latinx Students

Michelle Ramos Ramirez

Poster Location: 6C


A Study On The Effects of Societal Expectations And Stigma on The Mental Health And Self Perception

Marina Raynaud

Poster Location: 6D


Showcasing the Art of Reproductive Biology: Student-Led Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Emilie Risha, Anastasia Senavsky

Poster Location: 24EF


Latinx Representation in the Comic Industry

Juan Rivera Garnica

Poster Location: 6E


Rural Latinx STEM Students Giving Back To Their Communities Through Bilingualism

Melissa Romero

Poster Location: 6F


Reclaiming Southside Stockton: Deconstructing Deficit Narratives via Ethnic Studies

Eden Salcedo

Poster Location: 6G


Examining Factors Influencing Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness and Satisfaction"

Jamieson Sampson-Lizotte

Poster Location: 6H


Zapotec-Chicanx Diasporic Knowledges: Communalidad and the Re-signifying of Identity Across Borders

Angeliza Sanchez

Poster Location: 6I


The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Social Lives of Adults Living Alone: A Qualitative Analysis

Alita Shettigar

Poster Location: 6J


Beyond Incarceration: Formerly Incarcerated and System Impacted Chicanx Students in Higher Education

Nadine Vasquez

Poster Location: 7A


Analyzing Students’ Identity Navigating in Queer and Ethnic Communities

Eduardo Vázquez, Evelyn Giraldo

Poster Location: 7B


Developing with the Digital: Exploring the Impact of Digital Identities on the Adolescent Experience

Renee Ventresca

Poster Location: 7C


Student Activism as a Site of Convergence for Abolition Praxis and Queer Hope

Isabella Wahab

Poster Location: 7D


Global Perspectives on Commodity Feminism: An Inductive Study of Cultural Variances in Advertising I

Zhiqin Wang

Poster Location: 7E


Constructing Race Online: Examining the Race Change to Another (RCTA) Community on TikTok & Discord

Alycia Wong

Poster Location: 7F


Exploring Barriers to Assimilation: A study of Chinese Americans' assimilation to the US

Freya Yang

Poster Location: 7G


What Women Think: Community Perceptions of Feminist Men in Tanzania

Tara Zahraie

Poster Location: 7H


UCSB Kids In Nutrition Research

Gianna Zeno, Mahsun Mirmohammadsadeghi

Poster Location: 7I


Model Minority Invisibility: An Analysis of Asian Identity for Asian International Students

Zirui Zhou

Poster Location: 7J



By division and project title


Accumulator Container

Asher Whitten, Roxana Faridjoo, Jonathan Herrera

Poster Location: 24AB


Achieving “Pure” Magnetic Dipole Emission with Resonator Metasurfaces

Roark Chao

Poster Location: 20G


Actin Shearing Reveals Transport Properties in Reconstituted Membrane Domains

Anika Jena

Poster Location: 21B


Battery Management System Architecture Research

Ryan Nguyen, Yandong Liu, William Ni

Poster Location: 22I


Battery Wire Bonding

Hope Karim-Whitt, Vineet Kupunaram, Alen Iqbal, Joel Hernandez

Poster Location: 22F


Brake Fluid Analysis for Formula Student Racing

Raaghav Thirumaligai, Jackson Kevan, Niketh Keshavan, Alexis Lin

Poster Location: 24CD


Comparative Analysis of Speed and EMI Resilience in Serial Communication Protocols

Michael Krumland-Dunning, Riley Tang, Alexander Le, Vamsi Vempati

Poster Location: 21C


Design and Experimentation of a Curing Oven for Carbon Fiber Manufacturing

Daniel Cespedes, Jonathan Bigelow, Rachel Jiang, Yanis Yankauskas

Poster Location: 20F


Design and Manufacture of a Wiring Harness for a Formula SAE Electric Vehicle

Tien Nguyen, Jordan Prescott

Poster Location: 22J


Design and Performance Optimization of a Student-Built Formula SAE Steering System

Camron Hosseini, Cesar Castillo, Christopher Lew, Jephtha Sidharta

Poster Location: 22E


Development and Validation of Aerodynamic Solutions for Student Built Formula SAE Race Ca

Alexander Fu, Nicholas Yung, Curren Somers

Poster Location: 22D


Electro-Reduced Tau Fragments Seed Tau Fibril Formation

Xagros Faraji

Poster Location: 20J


Energy Output and Efficiency Optimization Research for the Solar Table Project

Lily Chen

Poster Location: 20H


Energy-Efficient Bi-Modal Transforming Robot

Jianing Liu

Poster Location: 21D


Extracellular Matrix Viscoelasticity Regulates Branch Morphogenesis of Breast Epithelial Cells

Juliette Moore

Poster Location: 21E


Gaucho Racing - Electric Drivetrain Rear Manifold

Colin Kwok

Poster Location: 22H


Integrating Histology and Viscoelasticity for Enhanced Characterization of Myocardial Fibrosis

Niki Hakami

Poster Location: 21A


Investigating the Functions of two Human Enzymes, hACCS and ACCSL

Yuki Xu

Poster Location: 22B


Liquid Cooling Test Bench for Formula-Style Racing Car

Paul Diarte, Jacob Reuser, Angel Mata, Benjamin Peller

Poster Location: 22C


Multi-modal Transformer Vehicle

Adam Quintero, Ryan Kaldi, Timothy Lam, Albert Ho, Jacob Li

Poster Location: 21G


Quarter Car model

Anirudh kumar, Diego Vasquez, Ben Co, Max Bellow

Poster Location: 22G


Research of Materials Testing and Design for Ergonomics Package for a Formula SAE Vehicle

Yakov Shur, Ava Tran, Hannya Yan

Poster Location: 23CD


Reserach and Development of a Torsional Rigidity Evaluation Method

Shehan Seneviratne, Tim Schmuelling

Poster Location: 21I


Safety Enhancement Research for the Solar Table Project

Kailash Shah

Poster Location: 21J


Solar Table

William Morgali

Poster Location: 21F


VEX Robotics Catapult Mechanism

William Tu, Reginald Wang-Lin, Andrew Round, Jose Marquez

Poster Location: 22A


VEX Robotics Intake Mechanism

Vishal Seenivasan, Hannah Cutler, Ayala Wang, Alex Reyes, William Tu

Poster Location: 21H


VEX Robotics Lift Mechanism

Jack Carpino, Kauri Mai, Erik Rodriguez, Han Xiao-Li

Poster Location: 20E



Sacha Escudier, Lauren Crisostomo, Logan Campbell, Kyle Rhee, Sean Shitamoto

Poster Location: 20I



‘At this time’: The morpheme =gum in perfectivity and sequentiality marking in miluk

Miriam Halbany

Poster Location: 1I


“Learn How To Mend Your Lives:” Repentance And Restraint In Early Modern English Broadside Ballads,

Madison Dunkle

Poster Location: 1F


“Spiritually Unsexed”: Beliefs, Debates, and Narratives of the Publick Universal Friend

Hanna Kawamoto

Poster Location: 2A


A Night of Black and Blue

Donavan Walker

Poster Location: 3B


American Psychopharmacology and its Discontents: Tracing the Historical Underpinnings of the 2004 Re

Nikita Srinivas

Poster Location: 2H


Chinese Protein PR: Selling Soymilk to Build a Nation, 2010-Present

Roselind Zeng

Poster Location: 3A


Choosing what to say: An investigation of name agreement

Monserrat Lupian

Poster Location: 2D


Coal Oil Point: Ranching, Restoration, and their Effects

Daira Chavez

Poster Location: 1C


Cross-linguistic Processing of Emotion and Abstraction from English to Chinese

Daniel Yeung, Jennie Wu, Josephine Kaminaga

Poster Location: 2J


Exploring Ceramics

Moxie Evan

Poster Location: 1G


Frontiers of Reciprocity: The Dynamics of Exchange, Diplomacy, and Power in the Dawnland

Nicole Knox

Poster Location: 2B


Language Ideologies of South Asian English Varities in Social Media

Ameena Qureshi

Poster Location: 2G


Language Insecurity and Imposter Syndrome: Taiwanese American Undergraduates’ Linguistic Identities

Lana Chen

Poster Location: 1D


Multilingual Chinese American Heritage Language Learners: Motivations and Cultural Identification

Katie Lee

Poster Location: 2C


Notes on experience, and research driven nonfiction

Ava Moreci

Poster Location: 3C



Alena Mauhs

Poster Location: 2E


Secular Sanctuaries: The Integration of Religious Diversity in Justice-Oriented Communities

Evelyn Isais

Poster Location: 1J


The Circus Monkey

Rachel Burnett, Oliver Richards, Nathan Krachman, Travers Tobis, Kadrik Blatt

Poster Location: 1B


The Effects of Contrastive Accenting on Recognition Memory in the Visual World Paradigm

Bethany Clements

Poster Location: 1E


The Ever-Changing Dynamics of Control, Power, and Black Agency in Georgetown County, South Carolina

Harry Pardoe

Poster Location: 2F


Triumphing Comprehensive Content Over Moral Messaging:Exhibiting the Holocaust at the Reagan Library

Stephanie Gerson

Poster Location: 1H


Two Proposals for Comparing Structure of First-Order Theories

Caroline Baldan

Poster Location: 1A


Was there a Historical Trojan War?

Isabella Walker

Poster Location: 2I



“Children’s Judgements of Contextual Racial Presentation”

Mikah Nelson

Poster Location: 12I


2004 - 2005 Mount St. Helens Volcanic Seismicity: Event Detection and Picking Using the Machine Lear

Serina Wang

Poster Location: 17C


A comparison of infrasound array processing and signal detection procedures for Popocatépetl volcano

Karla Hernandez Leyva

Poster Location: 9D


A Deficit or Goal? Story Aside Expression in Older and Younger Adults' Autobiographical Stories

Teagan McCune

Poster Location: 23EF


A Potential Regulatory Role of Phosphorylation in Assembly of Viral Replication Factories

Daniel Samie, Ben Aronson, Elaine Zeng

Poster Location: 15F


A Preference to Look Closer to the Eyes is Associated with a Position-Invariant Face Neural Code

Jocelyn Tao

Poster Location: 16E


Aids to Textual Learning

Amisha Sharma

Poster Location: 24GH


An Assay for Small Molecule-induced Disruption of Electrochemically-driven K18 Fibrils

Sabrina Fojut

Poster Location: 8G


Analyzing soil parameters to assess invertebrate distribution under cover boards in a restored habit

Calen Campos, Ryan Tang, Shelby Crawford

Poster Location: 19D


Analyzing the Influence of Ovarian Hormones on Visual Working Memory

Prisha Balaguru

Poster Location: 18H


Applying geometric morphometrics to assess phenotypic variation in bees

Jorge De La Cruz

Poster Location: 8A


Ascending Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae and their Connection with Olfaction

Jacob Strayer

Poster Location: 16B


At What Cost: How value-driven attentional capture influences the temporal limits of attention

Anh-Thu Van

Poster Location: 17A


B56 And Its Role In Anti-Viral Strategies

Duncan Plexico, Kyle Shimamoto, Paul Wang

Poster Location: 14C


Behavior of halogens (F, Cl, Br, and I) during medium- to high-grade metamorphism

Madison Huising

Poster Location: 9G


Characterizing RacE62K-mediated Hyper Phagocytosis for CAR-M Immunotherapy

Anshul Rao

Poster Location: 14F


Characterizing the origin and function of the synaptic protein PSD95 in single-celled relatives

Riya Nilkant

Poster Location: 13D


Comparing carbon to nitrogen ratios in Salicornia pacifica across locations and elevations

Kinga Bihari

Poster Location: 19A


Comparison Between Affect-Labeling and Expressive Writing as Emotion Regulation Techniques

Phoebe Rubin

Poster Location: 15B


Contextual Effects on Measuring Friendship

Jessica Harris

Poster Location: 9C


Cultural Uncertainty Avoidance, Stress Mindset, and Well-Being

Baris Delibasi

Poster Location: 8B


Cultural Values, Relationship Goals, and the Disclosure of Concealable Stigmatized Identities

Alexsia Johnson

Poster Location: 10B


Dancing Against Degeneration: Exploring Visuospatial Mapping for Parkinson's Rehabilitation

Anniysh Sivakumar

Poster Location: 15J


Decoding Bordetella Adhesion: Identifying the FhaB Receptor via CRISPR-Cas9 Knockouts

Mia Raimondi

Poster Location: 14E


Defining the role of a TRP channel in invertebrate fatty acid taste

Ellen Lomazov

Poster Location: 11H


Discovery of Potential Small Molecule Therapeutics for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

Matthew Unger

Poster Location: 16H


Edible Insect Initiative (EII)

Alex Carlin, John Nunnally

Poster Location: 19F



Jessica Lickstein

Poster Location: 11C


Effective Syllabi Language: How Professors can Optimize Student Belonging and Success

Maya Montez

Poster Location: 12E


Effects of Instructor Voice & Course Material on Learning & Evaluation Project Plan

Luke Leiden

Poster Location: 10I


Efficacy of SciTrek Post-Module Assessments

Eesha Panchal, Letizia Timoni

Poster Location: 13G


Elucidating the Relationship Between ATP Concentration and Stress Granule Size

Emily Beckett

Poster Location: 18I


Examining intraspecific differences in seed viability in native California wetland species.

Kyle Chua

Poster Location: 20B


Experiences of Black Families Seeking Autism Assessment: An Exploratory Analysis

Shannon Twomey, Keren Chavez

Poster Location: 16G


Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks in Finance

Mark Flores, Yixuan Lyu

Poster Location: 8F


Exploring Mosquito Taste for Innovative Disease Prevention Strategies

Alex Pei

Poster Location: 14A


Exploring the Capacity of Biofilms to Support Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Across Plant Parts and

Elena Neuburger

Poster Location: 12J


Exploring the role of membrane anchoring by PEX26 in the function of AAA-ATPase PEX1/PEX6

Julia Miyamoto

Poster Location: 12C


Exploring the role of the novel gene WDR5B

Daniel Haddad, Wenjie Wu, Ryan Hirokawa

Poster Location: 9B


Fast and Effective Xeno-Free Differentiation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium From Stem Cells

Amir Khan

Poster Location: 10D


Feelings and the Mind-Body Connection: An Exploratory Study of the Inter-Organ Cross-Frequency Coupling in the Brain, Heart, and Gut Modulated by Affect and Self-Compassion

Jonathan Roberts

Poster Location: 14I


Flammability of Wildland Fuel Types and Its Relevance to Fire Spread and Ignition

April Zhang

Poster Location: 18B


Forecasting Stock Market Volatility with Random Forests

Benjamin Wolfe

Poster Location: 17F


Function Characterization of a pathogenic Antibiotic Biosynthesis Monooxygenase

Bryan Zeng

Poster Location: 18A


Group Attention and Movement Experiment

Chloe Swoiskin

Poster Location: 16C


Host Specificity and Diversity of Pine-associated Fungal Endophytes of Japan

Isaiah Sailors

Poster Location: 15D


How do scientific role models differ between age groups?

Eli Briones-Colman, Nathanael Bailey

Poster Location: 19C


How Self-Reported Distractibility Measures Relate to Sustained Attention Failures

Lauren Lee

Poster Location: 10G


Hunger and Fasting Impacts on Baseline and Reactive Cortisol Levels

Joseph Belinfante, Lucia Freedberg, Janet Chen

Poster Location: 18J


Identifying Emotion Expressions in Faces and Social Goals

Daniel Jin

Poster Location: 10A


Improvement of Biosensors: Optimization of Enzyme Activity within Conductive Polymer Films

Omar Alkhairi, Stephanie Wang, Connor Davis, Lior Sepunaru

Poster Location: 18F


Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Into the UC Natural Reserve's Conservation Initiatives

Madie Salinas

Poster Location: 15E


Influence of cancer matrix-bound nanovesicles on osteosarcoma progression

Xander Newell

Poster Location: 13A


Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta and its effect on alcohol-induced cognitive decline

Ted Lee

Poster Location: 10H


Insights into Autothermal Iron-Catalyzed Methane Pyrolysis

Shiyang Xin

Poster Location: 17H


Investigating antigen modulation in solid tumors by CAR Macrophages

Ruth Perez

Poster Location: 14B


Investigating Role of FAK in Stiffness-induced Mechanical Memory of Mammary Epithelium

Megan Li

Poster Location: 11B


Investigating Surf as a Source of Seismic Noise in California

Marslina McCahey

Poster Location: 12A


Investigating the Impact of Relevant Distractors on the Attentional Blink: An ERP Study

Georgia Valdez

Poster Location: 16J


Investigating the source of double-stranded RNA in the inclusion bodies during MeV infection

Sara Chin, Brandon Agagas, Nina Suzuki

Poster Location: 20A


Involvement of Multicolors Show Impact on Perceptual Asynchrony in Color-Motion Integration

Di (Elwin) Feng

Poster Location: 8D


Isla Vista Fix-It Fair

Eva Mills, Molly McGee

Poster Location: 12B


Learn, Don't Burn!

Christopher Tai, Vivian Liang

Poster Location: 16D


Localizing Proteins Associated with Measles Virus Inclusion Bodies through Biotin-Streptavidin

Adam Palecki, Kehan Liu, Nghi Nguyen

Poster Location: 13F


Mechanism of KHM-induced Inclusion Body Morphology Change

Ella Virden

Poster Location: 17B


Menstrual Cycle and Hormone Predictors of Women's Sleep Duration

Sijia Wang

Poster Location: 17D


Modeling Habitat Preferences of Endangered White Abalone

Perla Nava

Poster Location: 12H


Modeling Harmful Algal Blooms on the California Coast

Isabella Puchkova

Poster Location: 23GH


Neural Network Optimization for Enhanced Realized Variance Forecasting

Lawrence Gao

Poster Location: 8J


Norm Conformity: Background Religiosity Effects Children's Norm Expectations from Religious Groups

Amelia Moore

Poster Location: 12F


Nucleation and Spatial Control of DNA Nanotubes via a Programmed Interaction between DNA Nanostar Co

Brandon Nguyen

Poster Location: 13B


Occurrence of Organic UV Filters in Alpine Lakes of the Sierra Nevada

Matthew Rosen, Nico Symons Galassi

Poster Location: 14J


Olfactory neurons responsible for chemotaxis in Drosophila melanogaster larva

Chiara Cimarusti

Poster Location: 20C


Origin of Scratch Marks on 751 to 729 mya Vase Shaped Microfossils from the Chuar Group, Arizona

Charles McBride

Poster Location: 11J


Outdoor Garden Study Space

Tanner Ellison, Emily Hernandez

Poster Location: 8C


Perception of Moral Standing to Blame

Tori LeVier

Poster Location: 11A


Perceptions of Motivations For Minority and Majority Group Allyship

Asha Jotwani

Poster Location: 10C


Phenomenology of Thought during Memory Encoding for Verbal and Visual Material

Brecken Marome

Poster Location: 11I


Photocurrent Production in Grapes and Wine Mash

Ben Krey, Kimi Rubino

Poster Location: 10E


Physics Informed Neural Network for American Option Pricing

Yilin Jiang

Poster Location: 9J


Phytoremediation in Brackish Wetland

Odile Gabbiani

Poster Location: 8H


Probability and Sustained Attention

Isa Ruacho

Poster Location: 15A


Quantifying Microplastic Abundance Across Three Coastal Marine Predators: Myliobatis californica (ba

Jenna Huynh

Poster Location: 9H


Rainfall Prediction in Santa Barbara using LSTM Models

Pippa Lin

Poster Location: 11D


Regulation of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Derived Toxic Tau through LRP1 Receptor

Arielle Leong

Poster Location: 10J


Research Question: Does involvement in the SciTrek program improve undergraduate student’s science i

Haaris Mobin

Poster Location: 12D


Resolving patterns in bacterioplankton communities across the SB Channel continental shelf

Brynn Campos

Poster Location: 19E


Risk Analysis of the Cryptocurrency Markets

Jiayue Chen

Poster Location: 19I


Role of AMPA and NMDA in the mPFC of Incubated Cocaine-Seeking Female Rats under Long Access SA

Mirette Tadros

Poster Location: 24IJ


Roles of Polarity Proteins on Centripetal Cell Migration in Drosophila Egg Chambers

Jane Feng, Jason Iler-Keniston

Poster Location: 8E


Salamander speciation in the Great Basin, geological drivers and undescribed species

Max Laubstein

Poster Location: 10F


Sea Change

Erick Morales Oyola

Poster Location: 12G


Securing Tomorrow's Water: A Deep Dive into Groundwater Management in the San Joaquin Valley

Lucero Torres Ojeda

Poster Location: 16F


Selecting Genes for Transdifferentiation Using RNAi in JR3904 Strain of Caenorhabditis elegans

Carina Chen

Poster Location: 19J


Serial Dependence in Spatial Working Memory as a Function of Ovarian Hormone Levels

Crystal Holland

Poster Location: 9E


Setting the Beauty Standard: the Cultural Dimensions of Body Size Preferences

Audrey Gaceta

Poster Location: 8I


Snacking on Cancer: Exploring how Cancer Cells Evade Death by Macrophage “Nibbling”

Kathleen Zhang

Poster Location: 18C


Social Support-Seeking Behaviors Among Asian Americans

Tricia Pang

Poster Location: 13H


Structure and Stratigraphy of the Waterloo Silver Deposit, Calico Mountains, Mojave Desert, CA

Isabella Welch

Poster Location: 17E


Sustainable Transportation & Infrastructure

Aaron Ruiz

Poster Location: 15C


Switching to Fluorosulfates, a New Oxidative Addition Complex for Aminations of Late-Stage Aromatics

Jordan Yirak

Poster Location: 17I


Temporal and genotypic variation in corolla size and fecundity within Nemophila menziesii

Cayenne Gularte

Poster Location: 9A


The Effect of Button Design on Website Navigation Efficiency

Tvisha Patel

Poster Location: 13J


The Effect of Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Salivary Cortisol Measurements

Elora Shaw, Tajin Syed

Poster Location: 15I


The Effect of Pregnancy on Behavior Patterns in Mice

Nathanael Bailey

Poster Location: 18G


The Effects of FDA-approved mTOR Inhibitor Everolimus on Incubated Sucrose Craving

Sonya Adler

Poster Location: 18D


The Effects of Physical Activity on Social Behaviors and Experiences

Jennifer Liu

Poster Location: 11E


The Effects of Systemic Everolimus on Incubated Methamphetamine Craving

Kierra Smith, Fernando Cano, Karen Szumlinski

Poster Location: 16A


The Efficacy of Scitrek Over Time

Lekha Reddy, Megan Li

Poster Location: 14G


The eruptive and structural history of the Soledad Mountain volcanic complex, western Mojave Desert

Rosanna Chapman

Poster Location: 19G


The Markowitz Enigma for Minimum Variance Portfolios

Jessica Liu, Jacob Biernat

Poster Location: 11F


The Memory, Money, Self (MeMoS) Study

Alex Reed, Courtney Durdle, Sara Leslie, Mahita Paladugu, Michael Miller

Poster Location: 14H


The Microfiber Initiative

Lily Poehler

Poster Location: 14D


The Power of Affect Labeling: Implicit Emotion Regulation in Negative Autobiographical Memory Recall

Carolina Ivchenko

Poster Location: 9I


The Relationship Between Emotion Differentiation and Strategic Extrinsic Affect Regulation

Paige Coray, Hailey Wooten, Ariana Cortez, Breanna Elman, Burak Yazici, Beyzanur Arican Dinc (barican@ucsb.edu), Shelly Gable (sgable@ucsb.edu)

Poster Location: 20D


The relationship between progesterone contraceptive use and mood disorders

Katie Levitt

Poster Location: 23AB


Thermal Tolerance in California Native Bees: Simulated heat wave to predict hyperthermic resistance

Nathalie Bonnet

Poster Location: 19B


To what extent does SciTrek influence quantitative changes in the general scientific knowledge of un

Emily Nguyen, Alana Deo

Poster Location: 13C


Traveling bands of liquid droplets from stoichiometrically skewed binary condensation

Connor Chatfield

Poster Location: 19H


UCSB Shoe Recycling Initiative

Matthew Schoen

Poster Location: 15G


Understanding How Trapezia Serenei Crabs Affect Coral Survival

Jada Alexander

Poster Location: 18E


Understanding the Genetic Basis of Dwarfism in Aquilegia jonesii with RNA Sequencing

Jack Huang

Poster Location: 9F


Unveiling Tau Clearance in 13-Lined Ground Squirrel Neuronal Organoids

Olivia Sclafani

Poster Location: 15H


Variable use of dissolved organic carbon compounds by marine bacterioplankton

Maxwell Pacatte

Poster Location: 13E


Visual Camouflage in Bees: Assessing Ground Spiders' Perception of Agapostemon tenaxus

Tianruo You

Poster Location: 17J


Visual-based navigation in fruit flies

Zihang Xiao

Poster Location: 17G


Volunteering in science outreach program effects on undergraduate gender biases in STEM fields

Chiamaka Utom

Poster Location: 16I


Watch Your Footprint!: The Game

Alison Flacks

Poster Location: 23IJ


When the Green-Eyed Monster is More Persistent But Less Scary: Jealousy in Polyamorous Relationships

Eliza Pasha, Benjamin Gelbart

Poster Location: 13I


Will pairing visual stimuli with audio stimuli enhance visual and auditory recognition memory?

Grace Liu

Poster Location: 11G



A Study On The Effects of Societal Expectations And Stigma on The Mental Health And Self Perception

Marina Raynaud

Poster Location: 6D


An Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis of Recorded "Karen" Interactions

Kristina Dyrvik

Poster Location: 4D


Analyzing Students’ Identity Navigating in Queer and Ethnic Communities

Eduardo Vázquez, Evelyn Giraldo

Poster Location: 7B


Autism and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction: How Autistic Populations Define Enablers and Barriers

Jessica Khaw

Poster Location: 5C


Beyond Incarceration: Formerly Incarcerated and System Impacted Chicanx Students in Higher Education

Nadine Vasquez

Poster Location: 7A


Bi+ Representation in "Heartstopper" and the Power of Queer Visibility

Annie Hargis

Poster Location: 4H


Bridging Cultures, Shaping Futures: The Effects of Chicanx Studies on First-Gen Latinx Students

Michelle Ramos Ramirez

Poster Location: 6C


Community Policing and Mental Health Response at UCSB

Lily Krongold

Poster Location: 5D


Constructing Race Online: Examining the Race Change to Another (RCTA) Community on TikTok & Discord

Alycia Wong

Poster Location: 7F


Cultivating Resilience Throughout Life & Communication Between Deployed US Military Parents and Chi

Alexis Crisostomo

Poster Location: 4A


Decoding the High: Exploring UCSB Students' Perceptions of Substance Use

Francesca Giannotta

Poster Location: 4F


Developing with the Digital: Exploring the Impact of Digital Identities on the Adolescent Experience

Renee Ventresca

Poster Location: 7C


Empowering Latinx Daughters in Higher Education through Ethnic Studies: A Comparative Exploration of

Jacqueline Lopez

Poster Location: 5E


Eroticizing Spirituality: Stripping Guadalupe

Alondra Bedoy

Poster Location: 3F


Examining Factors Influencing Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness and Satisfaction"

Jamieson Sampson-Lizotte

Poster Location: 6H


Exploring Barriers to Assimilation: A study of Chinese Americans' assimilation to the US

Freya Yang

Poster Location: 7G


Exploring the Dynamics of Laughter and Coalition in Group Longevity: Mediating Effects on Cooperatio

Zhukang Qin

Poster Location: 6B


Exploring the Legal Consciousness of College Students in Drug or Alcohol Related Police Interactions

Lauren Bacon

Poster Location: 3D


Filipino Students in Stem

Jacob Faustino

Poster Location: 4E


Global Perspectives on Commodity Feminism: An Inductive Study of Cultural Variances in Advertising I

Zhiqin Wang

Poster Location: 7E


Happiness and Intentions - A Study on Social Media Videos and Mental Health

Alhees Basharmal

Poster Location: 3E


How religiosity shapes attitudes toward normalization with Israel in Morocco

Maddie Dewhirst

Poster Location: 4B


Imagining sex education informed by Ethnic Studies scholarship and pedagogy

Amelie Calderon

Poster Location: 3G


Immaterial Labor in K-Pop Online International Fan Communications

Lily Chen

Poster Location: 3J


Implementing Ethnic Studies Pedagogy in High Schools and Student Response to Ethnic Studies Pedagogy

Stephanie Pantoja Pantoja

Poster Location: 5J


Involuntary Celibate Online Forum: Violence, Weaponized Subordination, & In-Group Chauvinism

Shane Herup

Poster Location: 4J


Jehovah's Witnesses: Does the organization's stance on higher education affect its members' education?

Sara Canas

Poster Location: 3H


Keep students safe: Evaluating health interventions messaging

Tian Ding

Poster Location: 4C


Latinx Representation in the Comic Industry

Juan Rivera Garnica

Poster Location: 6E


Mastering the Transition: Graduate School Training for Emerging Master's Level Clinicians

Areli Lopez, Natalie Alvarez, Nallely Leyva-Diaz

Poster Location: 5F


Model Minority Invisibility: An Analysis of Asian Identity for Asian International Students

Zirui Zhou

Poster Location: 7J


Multiracial Transfer Students' Sense of Belonging at Transfer Institutions

Carrie Guzis

Poster Location: 4G


Perspectives of Latine Families Regarding the Utility of a PCIT Paradigm

No Response

Poster Location: 5H


Reclaiming Southside Stockton: Deconstructing Deficit Narratives via Ethnic Studies

Eden Salcedo

Poster Location: 6G


Reducing Wishcycling

Nicole Haun

Poster Location: 4I


Role of Media Representations on Ethnic Identity Development and Self-Esteem

No Response

Poster Location: 5I


Rural Latinx STEM Students Giving Back To Their Communities Through Bilingualism

Melissa Romero

Poster Location: 6F


Showcasing the Art of Reproductive Biology: Student-Led Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Emilie Risha, Anastasia Senavsky

Poster Location: 24EF


Stress Response to Anthropogenic Disturbance in Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkeys (Piliocolobus kirkii)

Kira Johns, Isabel Saavedra, Allison Sobieri

Poster Location: 5B


Student Activism as a Site of Convergence for Abolition Praxis and Queer Hope

Isabella Wahab

Poster Location: 7D


Surveying Multiethnic Undergraduate Students at UCSB About Ethnic Studies

Julia Park, Riqui Martinez

Poster Location: 6A


The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Social Lives of Adults Living Alone: A Qualitative Analysis

Alita Shettigar

Poster Location: 6J


UCSB Kids In Nutrition Research

Gianna Zeno, Mahsun Mirmohammadsadeghi

Poster Location: 7I


Understanding Asexuality: Navigating Social Environments at a Public University

Luna Moreno

Poster Location: 5G


What factors influence Chicanas’ experiences of eating disorders at UCSB?

Marisela Jimenez Huerta

Poster Location: 5A


What Women Think: Community Perceptions of Feminist Men in Tanzania

Tara Zahraie

Poster Location: 7H


Wildfire Awareness Among Undocumented Immigrants: Improving Disaster Readiness

Mayra Canseco

Poster Location: 3I


Zapotec-Chicanx Diasporic Knowledges: Communalidad and the Re-signifying of Identity Across Borders

Angeliza Sanchez

Poster Location: 6I

