The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities has partnered with UCOP to publish undergraduate research journals on eScholarship. If you are the editor or faculty advisor of an undergraduate journal affiliated with the university and would like to publish your journal on the open access platform, reach out to us on the contact page for more information.

UC Santa Barbara Undergraduate Journal of History
The UC Santa Barbara Undergraduate Journal of History is a space for undergraduates to share original research and other scholarly works of history. At the Journal, we are interested in historical content on any and all facets of our collective pasts.
Published bi-annually by the Department of History at the University of California Santa Barbara, the Journal of History is an undergraduate-run and peer-reviewed scholarly journal that provides an engaging platform for undergraduate learners to contribute to historical research, analysis and discourse in higher education.
We publish innovative research and other scholarly contributions by undergraduate students in areas that complement (but are not limited by) the subject and area expertise of faculty and graduate students teaching History at UCSB. As students of history, we are history lovers at heart. We are fundamentally interested in all facets of our collective pasts. Although the Journal welcomes research from related academic disciplines, political perspectives, and analytical approaches, we are rooted in the methods of the historian’s craft.