
If you are interested in applying for the Bentson Scholarship please click the button above and  complete the google form with the following by October 15, 2024: 

1. Scholarship application questionnaire. 

2. Resume/CV (limit 2 pages) 

3. Submit a copy of your UCSB transcript 

4. Ask ONE person that will provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf

The Bentson Scholarship Program in Marine and Aquatic Sciences will conduct a holistic review of all  applications. We assign committee members to read and rate each applicant using an evaluation  rubric with four categories: Academic Performance, Motivational Attributes, Skills & Marine/Aquatic  

Science Potential, and Diversity Contributions. The holistic review considers many elements, with  examples from our rubric shown below.  

We ask for transcripts because we use this to inform our picture of your academic performance. We  consider your overall GPA, performance in STEM courses and marine/aquatic science courses, and  improvements in GPA over time. In general, we are looking for good grades and evidence of  coursework and/or work experience that shows you are prepared to pursue a degree in  marine/aquatic science (as appropriate to your class standing).  

How to approach the questionnaire: The application questionnaire is your space to tell your story.  Help us appreciate you and your achievements- beyond the bounds of your resume and transcripts - and what you would bring to the program as a Bentson Scholar. We use your responses to gauge  your motivational attributes and diversity contributions and to contextualize your academic  performance. These statements should be both personal and professional. For example, Personal:  contextualizing a weak grade during a particular quarter was due to a serious health issue.  Professional: perhaps not every medical detail about your symptoms.  

Who is a good letter writer for you: We use letters of recommendation to gain insight into your  motivational attributes, academic achievement, and your skills & potential. We read the letters  looking for:

● Insights into who you are

● Your aptitude for research

In general, these are people you have worked closely with and for a reasonable amount of time.  Typically, the best letters come from people who can offer personal observations regarding your  motivational attributes and an assessment of your academic/research potential. Provide your letter  writers with the holistic review criteria so they can best tailor their letters. Don’t be afraid to ask: “Do  you feel you can write a strong letter for me that addresses (some of) these review criteria